Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

Bojonegoro's culture

Bojonegoro’s culture, our culture together
"Culture”, who is does not know the meaning of the word? What does the word “culture” really mean? Culture is the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time (Cambridge English dictionary). “Way of life”, mean the way groups do things. Different groups of people may have different cultures. A culture is passed on to the next generation by learning, whereas genetics are passed on by heredity. Culture is seen in people's writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking, and in what they do. Indonesia is country that has a very diverse culture both in number and diversity. One of them is Bojonegoro’s culture.
           Talk about “Bojonegoro”, three is one of regency in east java province that located in the island part of northern java plain. This regency is bordered by Tuban regency on the north side; Lamongan regency on the east side; Madiun, Nganjuk and Jombang regency on the south side; and also Ngawi and Blora regency on the west side. The regency that called with jargon “Bojonegoro Matoh” has many famous cultures. There are traditional dances, tourism resorts, pop arts, foods, local dialect, and handicrafts.
For traditional dance, there are many unique traditional dances in Bojonegoro. The unique one is thengul dance. The name thengul come from the Javanese word “methungul” which means appear instantly. This dance tells us about the feast and the joy of winning the war. It usually performed by group consist three to ten dancers. It has two unique gestures. There are stiffly gesture on elbow and firmly gesture on head. It completed by crown and white face make up. It looks very beautiful and fun. We can see it in certain events like Bojonegoro’s anniversary, carnival and traditional dance’s festival. Beside that Bojonegoro also has traditional dance as known as thengul dance. It is Tayub dance. This dance performed by men and accompanied with gamelan instrument and Javanese songs that sang by “waranggono”. The lyric filled an advice or instruction. It usually used to fill an event that held by Bojonegoro’s people or the other traditional event. They are very attractive, gratify and surprised greatly.
The other culture in Bojonegoro is pop art like puppet Thengul. It is typical puppet in Bojonegoro. The shape is three dimensions. Its show accompanied by the Javanese instrument (Gamelan) named “Pelog or Slendro”. Even though this Puppet is seldom to show, but its existence always take carefull in this city especially in Kanor district that about 40 km of  Bojonegoro city. Otherwise, the story of this puppet is taking from ‘Menak’ story.
While for tourism resort, Bojonegoro has many beautifully tourism resort such as khayangan api and tirtawana. Talk about “khayangan api”, what does the word really mean? Sure, it’s the icon of Bojonegoro’s city. The name “khayangan api” mean that there is fire source that never die throughout the year. It located in the Sendangharjo village, Ngasem district. It has strategic position that is surrounded by forests that are protected and free from contamination pollution.  According to believe there is the efficacy location Fire has been felt since the government Angling Dharma Maha Prabu (Sri Aji Dharma) of Malawapati, who trained the soldiers Malawapati at the site of the fire heaven. At certain time, especially on Friday pahing there are many people come to the place to make a wish in order to get married partner, success and the other wishes.Beside Kayangan api, Bojonegoro also has the other exotic place. There is Tirtawana dander. It is nature tourism resort that located in Dander district 13 km away from Bojonegoro city. The word Tirtawana comes from the Javanese word “tirta” that mean water and “wana” that mean forest. So it’s mean that there is water in the forest. This place has full of beautiful panorama because there are many big trees and shady also tropical plants that made the air becomes cool and fresh. This place also equipped with the place to play, camp and golf area.  
Bojonegoro is regency in east java province that popular with its dialect that called boso "Jonegoroan" or "bojonegoroan". Bojonegoro located on the border of Central Java and East Java, to make people in this area have different languages, namely from the vocabulary and spoken accent or tone. Then, what is the trademark? It is "Medok" or extremely fluent and straight forward to say the Java language. For example, “omahe endi lek” (in Indonesia language: rumahmu di mana om).Word (em) has the same meaning as (stating possessive pronoun "you").
Beside cultures and tourism resorts, this regency also famous with its handicrafts. The unique one of handicrafts is terracotta. This handicraft is made from smoothly original sand. Its form is animal and painted with unique design. This product can be use as house decoration or as a gift for your friend or family. The other handicraft is Antique Furniture. This is the famous furniture industry in Bojonegoro that produces many kind of indoor and outdoor furniture. It made of high quality of Teak wood and made by professional craftsmen. It called antique furniture because it has unique and antique form with various design of furniture. You can try to visit Bojonegoro and get this original Teak wood furniture. The unique form and design of Bojonegoro’s handicraft has attracted many visitors to buy it.
Except all of that, Bojonegoro is one of east java regency that famous with its own products named “ledre”. It is kind of snack typical Bojonegoro. It formed gapit (like rolled chips emping) with sweet plantain aroma. This snack is made from sugar, flour, and banana. You are very unlucky if visit Bojonegoro without buy this foods.
We all know that Bojonegoro has many culture that popular with own characteristic. It is proud of us as Indonesia society especially Bojonegoro’s people. We must love and take care of our culture. It can be the precious thing of our country. Starting from today we must keep spirit to guard it. So, are you ready to do it? “Bojonegoro’s culture is our culture together.